A beehive is an intricate colony with thousands of bees living in a delicate balance of cooperation. Clear and sincere communication between the bees in a hive is vital for the effectiveness and survival of them all.
Personally, I have a tendency to say what others want to hear due to my "diplomatic" nature but in reality, this causes more harm than good! There is a difference between
tactfulness and
fearfulness. I must ensure that I speak the truth from the heart with
sensitivity rather than speaking to please others out of
I must ask this question regularly :
Am I prepared to stand alone for what is right? Once this conviction of "rightness" is settled once and for all, then the character trait of SINCERITY becomes demonstrable. A person who is a hypocrite is one who cannot live with the TRUTH
. The opposite of hypocrisy is SINCERITY i.e.
eagerness to do what is right with transparent motives.