Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sincerity : The Step of Self-Reflection

SINCERITY is eagerness to do what is right with transparent motives. In being transparent, there is no better place to start than with evaluating our selves. Change that comes about as a result of self-reflecting will last longer than those which are imposed on us.

Here are six question questions for your self-reflection :
  1. Are you the same on the outside as you are on the inside?
  2. Do you judge others for things that you are guilty of?
  3. Do you obey outwardly, yet inwardly resist instruction?
  4. Do you do good deeds for the praise of men or out of a sense of right and wrong?
  5. Do you try to copy the achievements of others without adopting their character?
  6. Are you open to reproof and correction from others?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sincerity : Key to Real Communications

A beehive is an intricate colony with thousands of bees living in a delicate balance of cooperation. Clear and sincere communication between the bees in a hive is vital for the effectiveness and survival of them all.

Personally, I have a tendency to say what others want to hear due to my "diplomatic" nature but in reality, this causes more harm than good! There is a difference between tactfulness and fearfulness. I must ensure that I speak the truth from the heart with sensitivity rather than speaking to please others out of fear.

I must ask this question regularly : Am I prepared to stand alone for what is right? Once this conviction of "rightness" is settled once and for all, then the character trait of SINCERITY becomes demonstrable. A person who is a hypocrite is one who cannot live with the TRUTH. The opposite of hypocrisy is SINCERITY i.e. eagerness to do what is right with transparent motives.