Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Virtue : The Secret to Real Personal Power!

The opposite of virtue is IMPURITY. How much impurity does it take to contaminate a pure solution? 

The strength of your leadership influence comes from the courage to stand alone - especially when you are in the minority! VIRTUE is the moral excellence evident in my life as I consistently do what is right. What is right becomes a future might. 

What are the areas where we may need to "stand alone" and do what is right (despite popular opinion)?
  • Choosing ethics over profits.
  • Caring for employees rather than exploiting them.
  • Keeping promises to my kids rather than making excuses.
  • Selecting the right type of friends and associations.
  • Being faithful to my marriage partner for life.
So many desire to have power and yet shrink back from the source of real power. VIRTUE - the moral excellence evident in my life as I consistently do what is right.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Virtue : Read My Lips!

VIRTUE is defined as "the moral excellence evident in my life as I consistently do what is right". In my lunch time discussion with my family today, we were wondering - "How can we quickly spot someone who is virtuous?"

My speech is a reflection of what has been regularly depositing in my heart. So, the most obvious way to access my character quality of VIRTUE is through the words which I speak.

Hence, the most "dangerous" part of my body is my tongue! Control it and the rest of my body will be under control. For VIRTUE to be a part of my life, I must simply watch what I say and how I say it.